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Create a multiple choice quiz to give learners feedback as they progress through their lessons. You can use the sample question below to practice using the quiz maker, or you can create your own! 

Question text: Why is the sky blue?

Answer A: Because sunlight is reflected off the ocean.

Feedback: Not quite! The sky is blue even in the middle of Amman, nowhere near the sea.
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Tip: Add a picture of Amman in the feedback section. Click here to see how you can add pictures and videos to your multiple choice quiz.

Is this the right answer? No

Can this be retried? Yes

Answer B: Because of the water in our atmosphere.

Feedback: Not quite! The sky is blue in the middle of the desert, where it is very dry.

Is this the right answer? No

Can this be retried? Yes

Tip: Add a picture of the desert in the feedback section. Click here to see how you can add pictures and videos to your multiple choice quiz.

Answer C: Because of the way sunlight interacts with our atmosphere.

Feedback: Spot on!

Is this the right answer? Yes

Can this be retried? No

Tip: Add a video explaining Rayleigh scattering in the feedback section. Click here to see how you can add pictures and videos to your multiple choice quiz.

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